Nathalie’s visit to Toronto

My fabulous friend Nathalie came for a visit to Toronto. We had such a great time!!

One of our favourite restaurants while we were out & about in the city was Rawlicious (recommended to me by my friend Kasia). It was a delicious experience for both Nathalie and I. We also loved Prince Sushi!

I miss you Nathalie!

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  • Lisaawww – that’s so nice Jo – glad you had some fun – now get busy packing!!

  • Nathalie BoudreauAwww!!! C’est super beau Johanne!! Un gros MERCI! A toi et Claude pour cette super de belle vacances!

  • NatassjaI must try this restaurant …. it looks incredible!!!

  • JohanneOh you will love it Natassja! Can’t wait to bring you there ;o)