Pam, Richy & Ronak

It was such a pleasure to photograph this beautiful family! Ronak is so blessed to not only have wonderful devoted parents but to also be surrounded by loving family and friends. Miss you already Ronak and can’t wait to see you again! Xox

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  • TinaLove how animated little man is. Great pics as always Johanne!!!

  • JohanneYes he is so adorable!! Thank you Tina! Xox

  • Sharon LatimerHi Johanne, I hope you are well. I was wondering if you were my friend that used to live Ohio  with the same name as yours. She moved to New York to Establish her career. She came to Ohio to my wedding as my guest. I lost the number and address for her. If you are her, I don’t want anything from you.  I would love to hear from you just to catch up on life. Whoever you are the photos are Gorgeous!

  • JohanneAh sorry it’s not me. I lived in Canada all my life. 😉 Keep looking there aren’t that many people with my name! 🙂 Take care