One of the things I love most about this family is how much they truly just enjoy life no matter what comes their way. Lisa & Marc were one of my very first clients over 15 years ago and have supported me ever since. Now I consider Lisa one of my best friends.
Will is the world’s sweetest big brother. Don’t get me wrong, they are brothers and there will always be little fights however they make me laugh and they are just adorable together.
LisaAwe – They are amazing!! I love them – you are simply wonderful
JohanneAwesome! I love them too ;o) xo
Leanna GosseYou seriously blow me away. Every time. Amazing Johanne!
JohanneAww Thanks Lee!! xox
rapinderJohanne the second picture in this set is out of this world the sky is so dramatic, this could be a postcard for ontario!!! love it