Chloe | Family

Yesterday, I got the chance to see my friends & meet Chloe. I was so happy to take a few family photos for them. This sweet little girl was born on Christmas Eve and she is absolutely adorable!
Enjoy the sneak peek..

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  • paulineWhat a beautiful precious baby and a prefect little family. God Bless you all. And thank-you for sharing these pictures with me.

  • StephanieVery nice. Beautiful family and beautiful photos. Way to go Johanne!

  • PatrickPrecious! Nice work Johanne!

  • JohanneThanks for your comments ;o)

  • Wendy DavidsonJohanne I just wanted to say how happy I am about the pictures
    you took of Chloe. As her Grandma I think she is
    perfect and beautiful but your photographs show my
    family at their absolute best. Thank you for such
    wonderful work.

  • JohanneAww, thanks Wendy. This family is so beautiful 😉

  • SandraChloe looks so peaceful and so much loved. She’s beautiful. What lovely photos.

  • Amber SnowHello! Thanks for the blog love 🙂 Your work is great too! I love that last shot, so cuddly and adorable.